Photo Competition - Equity Point Hostels
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Photo Competition

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Photo contest

Do you like taking photos?

Would you like to win 2 nights in one of our hostels?

In that case, take part in this competition by sending us your best photos of Barcelona, Girona, Madrid or Marrakech!

To participate, send as many photos as you like, in digital format and indicating where they were taken, to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Originality will be valued above all. All photos taken in any of the three cities with the presence of the Equity Point group or taken inside the hostel itself will be valid.
Participation in the competition means transferring the rights of the photos to Equity Point for its use, either in paper or digital format.

There will be one winner every 2 months period. The winner will be notified by email. The winning photo and the name of the winner will be published in the B-Sides magazine and in this website.

Equity Point photo contest
...and in the last photo competitions the winners has been...

In November '09 the winner was Pascal Dickmans for this picture taken in Barcelona

In September '09 the winner was Sherene Smith for this picture taken in Marrakech

In June '09 the winner was Reni Kommnick for this picture taken in Barcelona

In April '09 the winner was Silvia Pons for this picture taken in Barcelona

April 09 Equity Point Photo Competition winner
In February '09 the winner was Pau Fraguell for this picture taken in Marrakech:
In December '08 the winner was Mike Franz for this picture taken in Barcelona:
Picture taken in Barcelona
In October '08 the winner was Blanca Viñas for this picture taken on the beach in Barcelona:
Picture taken by Blanca Viñas
In August '08 the winner was Andrea Oikawa for this nice sight from Equity Point - Marrakech terrace:
 Picture taken by Andrea Oikawa
In June '08 there have been two winners:
Ilaria Jovine for this picture taken in Barcelona

Seight in yellow from La Sagrada Família

and Adam Shingleton, for this picture taken also in Barcelona
Balconies in Barceloneta Area
In April '08: Cristina Torres for this picture taken in Marrakech
photo contest winner

Barcelona Hostels
Madrid Hostels
Marrakech Hostels
Girona Hostels

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