local time: 13:01 / weather: 27º
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Hotel Montenegro
Blue Star Hotel

Terms and conditions

This is the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group corporate site. Users who access this site agree to comply with the present terms and conditions.

Information contained herein

The information presented on this site may be downloaded, copied and printed, provided:

  • it is used for non-commercial purposes only; no modifications are made.
  • any copy or portion must include the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group copyright notice.
  • Any other use that has not been granted prior authorisation in writing by Montenegro Stars Hotel Group is strictly prohibited.

Montenegro Stars Hotel Group does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information here in contained, either explicitly or implicitly, nor assume any liability whatsoever with regard to the use of this information. In no event may Montenegro Stars Hotel Group be held liable either for information accuracy or errors or omissions contained on this site. The user is solely liable for the use of this information. Montenegro Stars Hotel Group reserves the right to modify the present document at any time, particularly by updating the site. Montenegro Stars Hotel Group may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, that results from information contained on this site. The user agrees not to transmit to this site any information that could involve a third-party or criminal liability and therefore agrees not to disclose via this site information that is illegal, contrary to law and order or defamatory.

Brands and logos

The brands and logos used on this site are trademarks registered by Montenegro Stars Hotel Group. Their display does not in any way carry give right for their use in any form whatsoever, without prior written consent from Montenegro Stars Hotel Group. All violations will be prosecuted.

Access rights / Freedom of Information

In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you are entitled to a right of access to modify, rectify or delete personal data. To exercise this right, contact:

Montenegro Stars Hotel Group
Hotel Montenegro
85315 Becici

Hypertext links

Montenegro Stars Hotel Group has no control over other web sites which you may access from the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group site via hypertext links and thus declines any liability concerning their content. The user is solely liable for its use. The creation of hypertext links to www.montenegrostars.com is subject to prior agreement from Montenegro Stars Hotel Group. To request such agreement, please contact : webmaster@montenegrostars.cg.yu


The present terms and conditions and the relationship between the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group and its customers are subject to Montenegrin law and any difference not resolved amiably will be settled by Montenegrin courts.