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  • 桑给巴尔景点
  • 桑给巴尔观光游览




桑给巴尔生长着一些著名的香料,肉桂、小豆蔻、丁香、黑胡椒、肉豆蔻等。在桑岛上旅行,客人还可以品尝到各种热带水果,如榴莲、桑给巴尔苹果(tufah)、核果(椰果)、红毛丹(荔枝)等,当然还有一些稀有植物,如指甲花树、香水树和口红树等。香料之旅将带领你参观一些历史景点,包括1850年由桑给巴尔第一任苏丹王Sayyid Said bin Sultan为他的波斯籍妻子Shehzad公主、他的孙女Fateh Ali殿下及波斯王建造的波斯浴室。并有机会参观奴隶岩洞。




辛巴游猎公司 提供桑给巴尔的观光游览行程。点击以下链接了解详细行程:


In days past, Zanzibar was known as a spice island, exporting cloves, vanilla, nutmeg and cardamom across the world. The spices were brought over from Asia and South America and flourished in the tropical climes. Nowadays the plantations are a trib­ute to the island’s past, swapping spices for tourism, combining both in a spice tour, one of the most popular excursions on the island. Walk through the spice farm with your guide. Touch, smell and taste different spices and tropical fruits. Try to guess which is which, from the crushed leaves, the fruit, shoots and vines and creepers crawling up the trees. Learn about their properties, their origins and their use as medi­cines and in food and drink. A visit to a spice farm village gives you an insight into local life and the op­portunity to try some Swahili dishes, taste the fruits in season and try some spiced tea. An optional lunch is avail­able at Hakuna Matata Beach Lodge, a special menu, prepared with the best of the seasonal fruit and spices introduced to you during the tour. Depending on the season you are visiting, you can find anything from vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, nut­meg, turmeric, lemon grass, cloves, ylang ylang, cumin, garlic, ginger, coriander, pepper, allspice, tamarind, chilli, oregano and more! Fruits can include banana, pineap­ple, jack fruit, custard fruit, oranges, star fruit, tangerine, passion fruit, mango, avocado, pear, papaya, grape fruit and many others.

Advisable • Comfortable closed walking or hiking shoes and pants. • Sun hat and sun cream.


Tanzania safarisFollow the trail of the sultans, slaves and explorers in the wind­ing streets of Stone Town. Your guide will tell you about the events that shaped Zanzibar, leading you through the buildings where it all happened, such as the former Slave Market and Anglican Cathedral, the House of Wonders and the Sultans’ Palace Museum, the Old Arab Fort and Dispensary. While tracing the steps of the past, the walking tour provides you with a window into modern life in Stone Town.

Explore the markets, seafood and fish piled in the fish market, fresh loaves of bread in wicker bas­kets and the neat stacks of fruit and vegetables as traders sell their wares from their stalls. Children play in the streets in the residential areas, mamas sit out and gossip while the men play board games. An optional stop at The Zanzibar Coffee House provides a rest from the heat and hustle and bustle. A selection of drinks, local swe ets & seasonal fruits act as the perfect pick me up, for you to continue your tour. The City Tour is very flexible and can be adapted suit your interest and time frame, if you’re a shopaholic, culture vulture or history buff. If you want to hunt for antiques and souve­nir shop, follow David Livingstone’s time in Zanzibar and walk the path of the slave trade, your guide can rec­ommend and develop routes and itin­eraries that will optimise your time and get the most out of your trip.


  • Closed walking or hiking shoes.
  • Please dress conservatively when walking through Stone Town.
  • Women should cover their shoul­ders and wear long skirts or trousers.

In the south of the island, Jozani Forest is a wonder and delight, with tales of Zanzibar leopards, me­dicinal cures and stunning scenery. Currently under consideration to be­come Zanzibar’s second World Heri­tage Site, the Jozani-Chkwa Bay area is a hotspot of biodiversity. The for­est is home to a number of endemic species, including the Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey. Your park ranger will take you on a nature trail, lined with eucalyptus and mahogany trees and explain the medicinal properties of various plants and tell you about the animals, birds and reptiles that make their home in the various habitats of this tropical rainforest. Troops of Zanzibar Red Colobus monkeys can be found scrambling from branch to branch, in searc h of food. The monkeys have become ac­climatised to people and allow you to get close to them to take photographs as they eat, play and jumping from the treetops. The mangrove boardwalk takes you above the swamp, where, depending on the tide, you can see tropical fish flitting between the mangrove roots and crabs scuttling across the mud. Mangroves play an important role in environmental conservation and as a resource for villagers and commu­nity life. Your ranger will explain the different species found in the swamp and their uses.


  • Comfortable, closed walking or hiking shoes and pants.
  • Please do not feed or touch the monkeys.

Prison Island gets its name from the prison built to condemn Zanzibari citizens to the isolation of the island, looking out at the coast. Previously owned by an Arab to house his rebellious slaves, the prison was never used, and the island is now home to a tortoise sanctuary, prison ruins and hotel.

Prison Island is 20 minutes away from Stone Town by boat and has spectacular coral reefs to enjoy while snorkelling. Giant tortoises shuffle through the trees, with the patience that old age brings you. Originally thought to be from the Comoros Is­lands and Seychelles, some of these tortoises are said to be over 100 years old. Stately and lumbering, the tor­toises have even been known to take children on a ride.

Lunch is available on the island and then you’re left to your own devices. If you’re feeling active, you can explore one of the hiking trails, snorkel in the crystal clear waters in search of co­lourful tropical fish darting through the reef or soak up some sun on the powder white beach. Thatched ban­das are dotted along the waterfront, available for hire if you wish to stay for the night.

The Prison Island excursion is a great companion to a morning city tour. After an eventful morning of walking through the busy streets of Zanzibar, you can enjoy this slow and relaxing island excursion.


  • Swim wear, towel and water resistant shoes.
  • Hat and sunscreen.
  • Please do not feed or touch the tortoises.


The north coast is the dhow building capital of Zanzibar. Your drive to Nungwi will take you past the fish markets, where you can see freshly caught seafood being auc­tioned. There’s a stop at the ruins of an old Portuguese settlement, where your guide will explain the history of the ruins and the Portuguese conquest of Zanzibar, dating back to 1497.

A stop at the blacksmith is fascinat­ing. Tools are still made in the tra­ditional way for constructing dhows. At the construction site, dhows are built in the same way they have for centuries, skilled craftsmen bending wood to create the dhows. Visitors may be invited to try their hand at this unique craft.

A visit to the Nungwi turtle sanc­tuary and aquarium follows, where ailing turtles are nursed back to health and released into the ocean. A guided tour of Nungwi village, where mamas wrapped in kangas cook over firewood and smiling kids play. Walk down to the beach where you can enjoy an optional lunch at one of Nungwi’s popular restaurants and enjoy some free time sunbathing, swimming and snorkelling.

The northern tip of Zanzibar offers some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. The sky turns pink and gold as the sun sinks over the Indian Ocean. Sundowners and a late trans­fer back to your hotel can be arranged if you wish to stay to enjoy the sun­set.


  • Swimwear, beach towel and water resistant shoes.
  • Hat and sunscreen.


Take a one hour drive from to Stone Town to Kizimkazi, on Zanzibar’s southcoast for a day of dolphin spotting. Kizim­kazi is home to large numbers of bottle-nosed and spinner dol­phins, beautiful coral reefs and tropical fish.

On arrival, you’re given a short saf ety briefing and the dos and don’ts when faced with these wild animals. Then, you board a traditional ocean going dhow and set sail on the Indian Ocean in search of dolphins.

You can get as close as 10 to 20 metres away from the dolphins. Sleek and grey, they jack-knife through the water, sometimes showing off with jumps and twists. In the past, some tourists have been lucky enough to swim and snorkel with these magical animals. However, the dolphins aren’t tame, and can be shy and elusive. Although visitors see dol­phins on the majority of outings, there are no guarantees. Wheth­er you’re fortunate enough to see dolphins or not, you can enjoy two hours sailing and taking in the sights of the ocean. There’s superb snorkelling in the pristine coral reef and swimming in the clear, warm water of the Indian Ocean.

You’ll return to the beach for lunch, where you can swim in the shallower waters and talk to the crew, who can tell you sea stories about the one that got away.


  • Swim wear, towel and water resistant shoes.
  • Hat and sunscreen.
全景游(石头城 +香料之旅)

The Sultan Panorama Tours is ideal for visitors with little time who want to experience a bit of everything Zanzibar has to offer. It’s a full day excursion, starting in Stone Town, covering the history of the sul­tans, slave trade and invasions that shaped Zanzibar ’s history. Your guide will give you a broad overview of the island’s history and current affairs and you’ll pass by many historic sites and visit the Slave Market. A stop at the vibrant Darajani Market helps you to exp- erience city life, with all the hustle and bustle, smells and noise. You’ll be driven to a spice farm, and given the opportunity to taste sea­sonal spices and fruits as your guide describes their properties and uses. Throughout the tour, you can sample l ocal delicacies and local staple foods. Your next stop is at a local village for a slice of Zanzibari culture and life. Cooking, weaving, building houses and playing with the children, you’ll have chance to see what life is like for Zanzibaris. An informative and action packed day, this tour gives a taste of every­thing found in all other Zanzibar ex­cursions and is strongly recommend­ed as a first excursion. You’ll finish the excursion with a comprehensive view of Zanzibari life and you’ll be able to plan future excursion based on what you enjoyed the most, choosing the most relevant tour from our standard excursions.


  • Please dress conservatively when walking through Stone Town, women should cover their shoulders and wear long skirts or trousers.
  • Comfortable closed walking or hik­ing shoes and pants.

Zanzibar safaris

A full day excursion on a tra­ditional sailing dhows, Sa­fari Blue starts from Fumba, the perfect starting point to explore Menai Bay, an official Conser­vation Area. Home to beautiful uninhabited islands, the area is stunning, frequented by hump­back and bottlenose dolphins. On arrival at Fumba, clients are given a briefing on Safari Blue and then you board your dhow and you’re off to explore the bay. Dolphins are sighted on approximately 90% of trips. Anchor is dropped at the Kwale sandbank, where sunshades are set up and guests have the chance to go snorkelling in the coral reefs, helped by the guides.

After snorkelling, you’ll be of­fered refreshments to whet your appetite before heading to Kwale Island, for lunch under the tam­arin d trees. Drinks are served throughou the day and lunch is a buffet of grilled fish, lobster, calamari, c hicken and rice, with a tasting of tropical fruits.

After lunch, you can sunbathe, snooze or visit the beautiful mangrove lagoon. Depending on the tide, you may be able to take a swim in the lagoon. For the ad­venturous, join the crew to sail in an “ngalawa”, a local outrig­ger canoe but be careful not to tip the boat! Then it’s back to Fumba for around 5:30pm.


  • Swim wear, towel and water resistant shoes for walking over coral.
  • Water resistant bag for cameras and other valuables.
  • Sunscreen and Hat

Dhow Cruise

Step onto the deck of our ves­sels, relax and let us sail you away on a magical sunset cruise to end your day. Our sunset cruises leave Stone Town in the late afternoon to cruise along the coast, slicing through the clear turquoise water.

The sounds of the bustle of busy people in Stone Town grow faint in the distance until they seem only in a memory. Musi­cians take over playing songs of love and loss, as the bu tler serves canapés and keeps your glass topped up with your choice of a selection of beers, wine and sodas, encouraging you to sink back into the cushions and en­joy the romance of Africa while watching the scenery drift by.

Onboard our dhow we also have a personal guide who will accompany you on your cruise and give you a tour of Stone Town from the water. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about Zanzibar.

The blue green of the sea con­trasts against the clear blue sky. The sun sets, changing the sky from shades of pinks and blues to magnificent golden colours, as you sail back towards the glim­mering lights of Stone Town in the distance, the wind gently blowing you back to shore.

Returning to Stone Town in the evening to the shores of Ser­ena Hotel, we guarantee blissful relaxation after hours of luxuri­ous sailing around the beautiful island of Unguja.

Advisable • Towel and water resistant shoes


Princess Salme. Rebel, out­cast, revolutionary? Salme sent shockwaves through Zan­zibar, teaching herself to write, conspiring in a plot to overthrow her brother, becoming pregnant and eloping to Germany with a young merchant, Heinrich Ru­ete and writing the sensational Memoirs of an Arabian Princess.

This tour takes you to Mtoni Palace, where Salme was born in 1844, the daughter of Sultan Said and one of his secondary wives. She spent her childhood in the palace, served by slaves and play­ing in the gardens.

You’ll then head to Marhubi Palace, built by Sultan Barghash, Salme’s older brother, who she helped to escape after a failed at­tempt to overthr ow their brother, Sultan Majid.

From here, you’ll travel to Stone Town, where the princess lived in a relative exile, unmar­ried and shunned by her family for her role in the intrigue. The Palace Museum has a room dedi­cated to Salme’s life and writ­ings. Your guide will take you to her house, where her romance with Heinrich Ruete began across the balconies, resulting in secret trysts and meetings in the countryside. The tour ends at the Gallery Bookshop, where you can buy Salme’s book, Memoirs of an Arabian Princess, available in many languages.


  • Walking shoes
  • Please dress conservatively
  • Closed walking or hiking shoes.

Experience the way Livingstone felt discovering untouched land and sail away with us to sandbanks around the magnificent island of Un­guja, Zanzibar. Come on board our traditionally crafted dhows, put your feet up and allow our staff to pamper you as the Sultans of Zanzibar were once upon a time.

We set sail to find an untouched sandbank an hour away from Stone Town. Swim in the crystal clear blue water around the sandbank and snor­kel to discover a whole new underwa­ter world filled with marine life and corals of brilliant colours. Tables are set out on the golden sand and a five star seafood lunch extravaganza, pre­pared by the talented chefs from the Zanzibar Serena Inn will await you. After lunch relax on the sandbank listening to the hush of waves lapping against the shore o r discover more underwater life around it and listen to stories from our crew about sailing the seven seas.

Then sail off to Prison Island. It is now home to a tortoise sanctuary, the prison ruins and a hotel. Watch the gi­ant tortoises shuffle through the trees, with the patience that old age brings. We will slowly sail back to Stone Town, after a day of relaxation and fun. This excursion is suitable for any­one, from those who wish to com­pletely relax to those who want adven­ture and excitement...Karibu onboard with us for a day!


  • Swim wear, towel and water resis­tant shoes for walking over coral.
  • Water resistant bag for cameras and other valuables. • Sunscreen and Hat.

