Archive for December, 2007

My Point of View #3

Friday, December 21st, 2007 by Carlotta

MY POINT OF VIEW #3 (by Tatiana Sisquella)

So that's that, here it is, one more year, just like every year.
And it seems as if it was just a few days ago, when in fact a whole year has gone by…oh, how time flies! But that's a matter for some other day.

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My Point of View #2

Friday, December 21st, 2007 by Carlotta

MY POINT OF VIEW 2 (by Tatiana Sisquella)

Maybe it’s just me, even when I was a little girl it didn’t come naturally to me to just get up on to a bicycle and go for a ride. How can I put it? I just never found it any fun at all. In fact, one of the worst days in my entire childhood was the afternoon that my father decided that that was quite enough of having those two stabilisers on either side of the wheels. I was a big 8-year-old girl now, and so it was time to face up to life with courage, and without stabilisers.
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My Point of View

Monday, December 17th, 2007 by Carlotta

MY POINT OF VIEW – No. 1 (by Tatiana Sisquella)

Defining the people who live in a country is complicated. In fact, for centuries we have been trying to do just that and it won't be me who now resolves a matter that has provoked so much debate, ignited such passion and sparked off so many wars amongst Catalans. However, we have to start somewhere and I think that if there is one figure that says something about the Catalan character it has to be the 'caganer'.
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