Archive for April, 2010

International Tourism Congress- at Fira de Barcelona

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 by Carlotta

From April’s 15th to 18th will take place in Barcelona the ‘Saló Internacional del Turisme’ – International Tourism Congress- at Fira de Barcelona. Equity Point Hostels will be there at ‘Porta del Desert, Discover the Desert’. Why don’t you come to visit us? We’ll be located at Pavilion 2, Level 0, Stand T106.

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Tragedy in Haiti

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 by Carlotta

OnJanuary 12th there was a devastating earthquake in Haiti, the poorest country in South America. The entire world was shocked by the magnitude of the tragedy and everybody tried to help as they could.
Haiti earthquake

Equity Point also raised money for aid in two different events: we sponsored a solidarity concert called Toca Haití, and hosted another event at Equity Point Centric in Barcelona.

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