MY POINT OF VIEW 19 (by Tatiana Sisquella)
“Salam alikum”, “bonjour”, “merci”, “can I trust him?”, “does he trust me?”, “what's the name of the hotel?”…I think that the stress produced on arriving in a country that is new to you should have a name. Likewise there should be a word to define the discomfort passengers experience when there is too little space between seats on planes. I think it's a sensation shared by most of us who, for one reason or another, decide to discover another city: it has a pinch of fear, a handful of insecurity, a generous helping of hope, a little mistrust and the whole lot is sprinkled with the urge to have a good time.
This is how I felt on arriving in Marrakech. And now, after four days of the mixture being marinated in the atmosphere, the people and the food of this city, I can say that the resulting combination is a great improvement on my expectations.
The Running of the Bulls vs the craziest tomato battle in the world
MY POINT OF VIEW 18 (by Tatiana Sisquella)
Aaagh!! We’re coming to that time of year (or I should say, that accursed time of year) when bangers and fireworks become undeservedly popular. We’re approaching the festival of Sant Joan (Midsummer’s Eve).
One day it would be worth looking at why there are some saints who are better-known and have the privilege of having more celebrations in their honour than others, but that’s another matter.
The subject for today is that I would like to give a few tips to those of you who are visiting our city for the first time on the night of 23rd June.1. Invest all the money you had planned to spend on buying Mexican-style hats in the acquisition of ear-plugs.
2. If you see a group of teenagers huddled together with a lighter, don’t give them the credit of the doubt and take it for granted that they’re getting ready to smoke some dope. What they are really preparing is a personal attack against your hearing.
3. If you really like bangers, you won’t be enjoying this article, and on the night of Sant Joan you will have more fun than Winne the Pooh in the warehouse of a leading brand of honey.
MY POINT OF VIEW 17 (by Tatiana Sisquella)Yes, I know, I know…it’s unforgivable, not a word of explanation or anything. In fact, I’ve been so bad about it that one day in the not too distant future I’ll try to explain, or even to justify, my 3-week absence…but, not today.
Today I want to talk to you about music, because Barcelona, like every big city that’s ¨in¨, is a town that is overflowing with music festivals, especially whenever there’s a chance of holding them in the open air. We have the ¨Sonar¨, we have the ¨Primavera Sound¨, the ¨Summercase¨, the ¨Electronic Weekend¨…we have loads of them. Another thing is that all the concerts I’ve just mentioned have a lot of points in common:
1. Electronic music as an indispensable ingredient.
2. Plenty of modern, beautiful, alternative people with more than a few bob in their pockets.
3. Names of groups that are unpronounceable by mere mortals like me who are not well up in the matter*.
MY POINT OF VIEW 16 (by Tatiana Sisquella)While walking around Barcelona, perhaps the more observant among you will have noticed that the city’s fountains are empty. There’s no water in them. It’s the same with the artificial lakes, the public swimming pools and all the other places where the water doesn’t have a vital and essential function.
Don’t go thinking, though, that this is because we are as tight-fisted as all the clichés make us out to be. The reason is much more serious and worrying than that: it’s due to the serious drought that we’ve been suffering for far too many months now.
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