MY POINT OF VIEW #5 (by Tatiana Sisquella)
In Barcelona, as in any other big city, we are used to living with many things: pollution, noise, building work, the sales seasons...but if there's one thing I personally think we are getting increasingly worse at, it has to be living with pigeons. Yes, that's right; pigeons. Those birds that are both grey in appearance and attitude, that contribute nothing to the landscape nor to the logistics of the city. Those creatures that pass amongst us like untouchable extraterrestrials without the slightest intention of adapting to our society. Barcelona, like other big cities, is suffering from a plague of pigeons that nobody knows how to stop.
MY POINT OF VIEW #4 (by Tatiana Sisquella)
Throughout much of its history Barcelona has been divided for political reasons. One of the points about which people are still far from unanimous is the subject of the monarchy. There are those who openly proclaim themselves to be republicans, and there are those who are monarchists, some out of conviction and others by force of circumstance. There are also those who don’t care one way or the other, and then there are those who still haven’t decided. Strangely, though, there is one day each year on which nobody would dare to put into doubt the need to welcome ‘Their Majesties’ with full honours. That day is 6th January.
MY POINT OF VIEW - No. 1 (by Tatiana Sisquella)
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