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The Central Highlands


If your explorative appetite hasn't been completely whetted by the calm settings of the safari clubs and mountain lodges of Mt. Kenya then you can visit the nearby Nanyuki town. Trips to the town are optional from the hotels and if you don't have your own transport, then the touring company through which you organized your trip can provide you with that, or drive yourself.

There isn't much to see in Nanyuki however. It is a medium sized town northwest of Mt Kenya and is most common as a meeting place for people trekking up the mountain or on transit to Laikipia and Samburu, with plenty of hotels, kiosks and other shops providing basic goods and services. Don't be surprised to see British marines trooping around, they're in plenty as this is their training region.

Nearby activities - Ol Pejeta sanctuary

Another location that offers an exciting touristic experience is the Sweetwaters Tented camp, only 20km away from Nanyuki town. There night game drives are offered. That's right, aided by a powerful spotlight view animals in action at night, and since most animals are nocturnal in nature this could provide you with an opportunity to catch them hunting. No such luck for us on this night though, but we do see a good number of herbivores grazing like buffaloes, their eyes glinting in the artificial light, as well as impala, giraffes and the common zebra.

We stop the Landcruiser close (too close!!) to a lion that looks deceptively peaceful and harmless, but I'm certainly not taking any chances turning my back on him longer than I have to, especially with the spotlight accentuating the glare from his feline eyes. Lions are plentiful in this area, most of them descendant from this one king of the beasts. The park animals are used to night game drives such that a couple of young male lions don't even flinch as we approach.

Nanyuki town's lights shine in the distance as we huddle under blankets provided by the Sweetwaters Tented Camp because it is extremely cold. Preferably find accommodation at the camp so that you don't have to travel from other lodges at night. The park roads are well maintained, and a fee that's higher than that of KWS parks must be paid on entry.

Accommodation rates

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