There's lots going on in Malawi this year, with new lodges being built, and current ones being refurbished and upgraded. Really, there hasn't been a year like it before. It's very exciting to see these new developments, and a real indication that Malawi's tourism is going from strength to strength. Nobody would build or re-furbish a lodge in Malawi if they didn't see a demand for it. the demand seems to be ever growing.
We'll keep you updated on all these developments as they happen - through the blog and news pages on this site, and through Twitter - so do keep coming back to check what's going on.
Already, if you look at the News page, you'll see various stories on upgrades and developments. An update on that comes from Kaya Mawa, which was closed for many months before re-opening in April, now with suites, private houses and plunge pools throughout! Their first month re-opened has been a great success, with fantastic feedback from their first guests. And they've just had a photographer visit, so expect some new pictures on their website soon: www.kayamawa.com