Malawi has claimed to be 'The Warm Heart of Africa' for decades now. These marketing slogans can sometimes be stretching the truth, but in Malawi's case, this is a title that it well and truly continues to deserve.
People travel to Malawi for a variety of reasons - the Lake, the Wildlife, the Landscape (usually a combination of all 3), but there's little doubt that the overwhelming memory from their time in Malawi will be the People they've met. The Malawians greet all visitors with a beaming smile, and with a genuine, disarming warmth. They will go out of their way to be friendly and helpful to anyone who has done them the honour of visiting their country.
It came as no surprise that Malawi was listed as the 'Happiest' Country in Africa by Forbes recently. For more, click here We didn't need a report to know that!
There was a wonderful example recently of Malawians, and the Malawi tourist industry, rallying round to help a visitor in need. We were alerted to a 'missing person' in Malawi who had travelled up from South Africa but not been heard from by his family for a week or more. A quick message round the industry spread the word across the country and the search was on (including Air Malawi checking all their passenger lists). Within hours, he had been found and put back in touch with his family. He'd been laid low with malaria in a remote hospital bed.